Stomping Ground
Can Launches

In my time at Stomping Ground I launched more than a dozen cans, including 7 core beers. For each can launch I managed label design and creation, launch marketing strategy (digital, social, outdoor and in-store), wrote all can copy / tasting notes, press releases, social copy, and managed PR.



Raising funds for Midsumma Futures (a program supporting LGBTQI+ artists) we needed can copy which spoke to the message of the beer (in the lead up to the Marriage Equality vote) but was subtle and genuine.


Laughing Matter

A beer brewed for an upcoming pop-up bar during the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, I needed to come up with a name that would evoke comedy, but also work with the can concept of different ‘laughter styles’. I then had to write all the supporting copy tying the ideas all together.

Orange Mocha Frappuccino

For our GABS beer in 2018 we decided to make an Orange Mocha Frappuccino Nitro Cream Ale, and we crafted all our marketing to lean into the Zoolander reference. I wrote all the promotional copy, wrote the shoot plan for the video above (matching the original shot for shot), and even arranged for a comedian to record a new version of ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go’.


Smash Campaign

When we found our Smash series of beers was becoming popular with non-traditional beer drinkers we wanted to come up with a campaign which enticed wine and cider drinkers, but didn’t put off beer drinkers. I wrote the headline and devised the campaign image with the ice evoking a freshness which was not too fruity.