Life is Epic


Life is Epic was a junior brand of the Albumworks Photo Book company, designed to tap into the youth / Instagram market.

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Brand ethos:

At Life is Epic we believe in life. We believe you should grab it with both hands. Take the plunge. Kick your shoes off. Dance in the rain.

We believe in making amazing memories – and capturing them. And not just on your phone. Or on Instagram. We want to make those awesome photos more than just pixels. We want to make them real. Make them gifts. Make them art.

And we want to help you do that as simply as possible. We want making epic products to be almost as much fun as making the memory. You can create epic products anywhere, anytime on any device. They’re the best quality, made with absolute care. And we’re even here to help, if you need it.

So what are you waiting for?

You have only one life. Make it epic.

I created this brand with an in-house designer, from scratch. I came up with the name, the look and feel, the strategy, and all the creative. I wrote all the copy, ran the social media advertising and community, created all the content, and produced the website.